New Bedford

New Bedford

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekend of Adventure

June 22nd (Saturday): 8:30am wakeup. Vegged out most of the morning with lots of eating. Protein shake, cereal, Clif bar, and some other random goodies. Eventually out for a run around 2:45pm. Drove over to the bike path (4 miles away) to explore the trail. Which way do you think I ventured? Two roads diverge and I take the one less traveled...



10 miles (70:13) all on trail, rock, grass and water? There was a river crossing that I couldn't get around without trudging through shin deep. Well, I tried rock hopping and miserably failed. Whatever. It was an out and back along the power lines and made a 2nd attempt on my way back. Slipped right off the rock and back in the water. All good. Rocking the trail shoes and thick socks.

Back to the house to stretch, foam roll and shower up. Ran some errands and hit up the Honda and Subaru dealerships around 4:30pm. Checked out all the Civics, Accords, Imprezas. I didn't bother communicating with any salesman since today was just a preliminary search. 

2013 Honda Civic EX.

2013 Honda Accord EX.

After seeing all the clean cars (the Subarus were just not as good on gas mileage), I brought mine to the car wash down in Clifton Park (free from my oil change the other month). It was an automated one on a track and once it was complete, a guy popped inside to bring it over to have it dried off with towels. He stepped out and waved his hand in front of his nose. I yelled over, "Does it smell?!" He nodded in confirmation. Hmmm. Stopped at Walmart to pick up oil, Gatorade, cereal, and DVDs. 

Filled the tank with gas and behind the gas station to use the vacuum station. Cleaned it out completely. Lots of recyclables, wrappers, and just random things. Threw away all the trash and went to town for 5 minutes (that's how much time it allocate for the $1.50) on the car. Stopped in at Hannaford's to rent the Rug Doctor with the tool accessory for 24 hours. 

Home by 7:45pm to shampoo the entire car. Boiled some water, added Dawn and Lysol multipurpose cleaner to pour into the Rug Doctor. Front seat and back seat 2-3 times over to ensure cleanliness. Watched Warm Bodies (the Zombie that is changing) with Goup. Pretty friggin funny. 

Bed at a decent hour to be the designated driver for the morning at the Adirondack Distance Run 10 Miler (aka the non-runner that will be driving from the start to the finish line since it's a point A to point B course).

June 23rd (Sunday): 5am wakeup. Oat bran and a protein shake. Carpooled in the Mom Volvo (Renee's car) up to Lake George. Arrived by 6:30am. Packet pickup and a 2 mile (14+) warmup. I was in shorts and a singlet. People were wondering if I was racing (defending champ), but I was just spectating. Watched the start and hopped in the car to the 2 mile mark. Made the mistake of parking on the right side of the road. Barely squeezed through the 7 minute pace herd.

Down to the 5 mile mark and parked on a side street on the LEFT for easy escape to the finish. Watched all the girls/guys pass by that I knew and continued down to the finish. Slow traveling so I was able to make a couple easy shout-outs around 7-8 miles.

Watched the finish. Chilled. 5 mile cooldown with a couple of the Fleet Feet girls on the rolling hills past Bolton Landing. On the road by 10:30ish. Back to Ballston Lake to take a necessary nap for 4 hours. Up to head out for a 2nd run by 6:30ish. 12 miles (83:31) on my own. 5 of the miles on the trails. Felt great on the legs. Hollered at by some a bunch of high school graduates at the party while I was semi-lost/exploring a neighborhood. Ended up being a dead end so I had to pass by them a second time. Greeted with, "There he is again! Whoo! Yeahhhh! You work that hill!" A friendly wave and thank you sufficed at a response.

Home to stretch, foam roll, and ice. Shower at some point. Burrito mix for the week. 2 pounds of chicken that I was gonna cook up, but ended up note. Marinated instead in the refrigerator. No worries. Bed by a decent hour. Tossed and turned due to the heat rising to the 2nd floor. Ughh! Box fans will be purchased.
Chili powder, hot sauce, chicken rub, pepper, Italian dressing. 

Runners on the back of the wraps package. Gotta be healthy.

19 miles on the day. 62 miles on the week with no real workouts, a day off and a distance day. Higher mileage this upcoming week with a couple solid workouts. Should be a fun one. Loon in 2 weeks.

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