New Bedford

New Bedford

Thursday, June 7, 2012


June 6th: 5:15am wakeup. Having trouble waking up at 5am. Hours will most likely be switching a later start like 7am or even 8am (depending on the day). Fine by me. Bowl of cereal for breakfast. Work 6am-2:30pm. Burrito for lunch. Yogurt. Nature Valley Bar. Cape Cod potato chips (cracked pepper and sea salt). Normal day at work. A couple meetings before lunch to break up the day.

Home at 3pm. My original plan was to go for a run immediately when I arrived home. I decided to wait it out a little. I was tired and drove through a passing shower on the highway. Goupil was home just after 4pm. He was heading down to Albany for the workout. I was not working out and wanted to just run from the apartment. So I sat on the couch until I wanted to run. Obviously, I passed out around 5. Woke up from my slumber at one point and Goupil was gone. Fell back to sleep until about 6:30pm. I wanted to run for an hour and go on a mini exploration run at the same time.

Out the door at 6:50pm. Ran on familiar roads for the first 3 or 4 miles. I thought there might be a connecting road that was perpendicular to the current road I was running. There really wasn't (or at least I didn't recognize any of them). I ended up following the road to the end and popped on to route 236 (looking back, I should of turned left onto route 9 north). I had never run on route 236 and never really seen it in the close vicinity of the apartment. Uh-oh. I continued and came up to another main road, route 146. I basically went the completely wrong direction at this point. Brought myself even farther away from Clifton Park, but whatever. I didn't know at the time. I was getting slightly worried because I was at about 55 minutes at this intersection with no clue where I was. I arrived at a sign that stated the direction of the next adjacent towns and the distances. Mechanicville 3 miles. Hmm. I know Mechanicville is the town next to Clifton Park. I'm at about 60 minutes now. I should of been close to my apartment based on my original plan. I ended up stopping at a 4 way intersection with no f***in clue where I was. I had been running past open grass fields and barns (not that promising). I was at 66 minutes. There was an SUV parked on the side of the road. The guy looked like he was talking on the phone through bluetooth or something. I trotted over and asked, "This might be a terrible question, but what's the fastest way back to Clifton Park?" He responded with more promising directions than I thought. I was expecting something more like this, "Clifton Park?! You aren't even close!" or "Clifton Park? Where's that?" or "There's really no straight shot back." Farmer to Market. Meets up with Route 9. Take a left and you will be in the heart of Clifton Park. Pow! I didn't ask how many miles and just got running since it was 8pm now. I felt like Route 9 was never gonna appear and the guy was just messing with me. I saw about 3 signs indicating an intersection, but never a 4 way intersection. Always a side road or something. I thought I was coming up to a blinking red light, but it was a blinking light on a telephone pole. I might of been bonking (slightly) at this point. Route 9 finally crossed my path and I knew exactly where I was. Shot back the quickest route. Almost 16 miles. 1:48:25. Here is the route: You Can See Where I Could Cut It Shorter. Solid run. Calves still sore, but it's all good.

Into the apartment to immediately throw my steak with sweet & smokey rub and garlic salt on the stove top. Cut up some mushrooms and onions. Foam rolled and sticked my legs. Small dinner because I wasn't really hungry after the unexpected long run. Steak, mushrooms, onions, and mozzarella cheese. Delicious. Shower and bed by 10:30pm.

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